Sunday 16 February 2014

A Mother Is Her Child's First Teacher

A mother is her child's first teacher. Each day she has many opportunities to teach him about the gospel and about the world around him. Her spirit and dedication in teaching will determine, at least in part, how eager for knowledge her child will be throughout his life. She helps stimulate his curiosity and desire for truth.

Mothers often teach without realizing it. Children learn from their example. When a mother is continually early or on time for appointments and meetings, for example, her children will more likely develop a pattern of being on time. Children watch their mother, her attitude toward herself and others, and her attitude toward her role as homemaker. This often affects their feelings about themselves, their roles, and the importance of motherhood.

A woman can better fill her role by preparing and educating herself. This preparation might come through formal education or through personal, prayerful study.

All of a mother's rewards do not come from helping her children grow and develop however. She herself grows. She develops her talents and abilities as she strengthens her family and others. Although the demands of motherhood may limit her involvement in other areas of interest for "a season" (see Ecclesiastes 3:1-8), she does not need to give up her own intellectual and cultural education because she has a family. With a careful consideration of time, energy, and cost, she may still read books and go to plays, concerts, classes, and lectures. Listening to music while doing the dishes, memorizing poetry or scriptures or reviewing new vocabulary words while ironing, or reading a worthwhile book while nursing a baby all can help her grow. Children themselves can stimulate a mother as they learn and experience new things. Children are good teachers as well as good learners.

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great" (D&C 64:33). 

 Motherhood - a rewarding Career (Chapter 5 'Learn of Me: Relief Society Personal Study Guide 2)

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